Februaray 2023
6 latrines built.

Februaray 2023

As the droughts continue to cripple many parts of Africa, Kenya and the Majimoto area have been one of the most severely affected. People from Osero Lempere were forced to travel 16 km to collect water for drinking, cooking, and other basic needs. Schools in the community were also forced to close their doors as farmers and families were having to move their livestock in search of grazing lands. The Olalashe Foundation was able to locate a non-operating borehole within the community and create a new solar powered system with collection tanks for both humans and livestock. The new fully functioning borehole and solar powered system now supports 2200 community members and 7500 livestock.
January 2023-February 2023
Turana Willson, male, 16 years old
Thomas Lemomo Karbolo, male, 15 years old
Vincent Nkurumwa, male, 16 years old
Miriam Tumpeyo, female, 15 years old
Eunice Sipanto Tikani, female, 14 years old

January 2023
6 teachers houses built with kitchens, stoves and washrooms
December 2022
Originally built in 2008, the Lentukunyi community well was an unreliable source of water for the community of over 2,500 forcing them to travel 15 km to find drinking water for their families and 30 km to find sufficient water for their 10,000 cattle, sheep and goats.
The Olalashe Foundation has completed installation of a solar powered water pumping system, Community water collection points, livestock troughs and a pipeline to the nearby Lentukunyi Primary school.
Twala met with the Lentukunyi community’s eldest member, and at 87 years old, he said; “he has never seen such wonderful work done for his people. They have always had a dream to get clean water for drinking, but they never knew if it would come. Today, The Olalashe Foundation made this dream come true after hundreds of years of suffering.”
Water projects throughout the remote parts of Kenya are vital to the pastoral Maasai community. Extreme drought has been plaguing Africa, and being able to bring reliable, clean water sources to its people, livestock and wildlife is lifesaving.

December 2022

As the droughts continue to cripple many parts of Africa, Kenya and the Majimoto area have been one of the most severely affected. People from Osero Lempere were forced to travel 16 km to collect water for drinking, cooking, and other basic needs. Schools in the community were also forced to close their doors as farmers and families were having to move their livestock in search of grazing lands. The Olalashe Foundation was able to locate a non-operating borehole within the community and create a new solar powered system with collection tanks for both humans and livestock. The new fully functioning borehole and solar powered system now supports 2200 community members and 7500 livestock.
November 2022
After her family was faced with extreme financial hardship, Topisia was forced to stay home as her family could no longer pay fees to attend school. With help from The Olalashe Foundation, we were able to cover all outstanding fees dating back to 2019 and get Topisia back in the classroom. This bright young woman is now back to her studies and has passed her National Exams! Education means everything to her, and she is so thankful to have the opportunity to continue her studies with help from The Olalashe Foundation.

November 2022
Kirkurkur is the biggest school thus far. With nearly 270 students, they were in great need a permanent structure to draw government teachers to this location. We have been hard at work building 6 teachers houses with private kitchens and personal stoves, 6 latrines, and a 5,000-liter water tank. With these new additions to the Kirkurkur School, the community can rest assured that they will be able to host qualified, government teaching staff.
October 2022
Iltalala Primary School was a new school to receive upgrades in 2022. The Olalashe Foundation completed construction of 3 latrines, 4 fully equipped private teachers houses with a separate bathroom, school kitchen with stove, and collection gutters with a 5,000-liter collection tank.

August 2022

The Olalashe Foundation was first made aware of the Lemek School through one of the board members of the Lemek Conservancy. This school is so remote, that on the first visits it was made clear that to bring large trucks with building materials, we would need help making ways to reach the school. The community was more than happy to assist in clearing paths and cutting trees so that workers could more easily access this remote location.
Due to the extreme remote location of Lemek Primary School, they needed a great amount of aid. In the first phase of this project, Lemek received 2 new classrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, 3 latrines, 31 desks, a 5,000-liter water tank with collection gutters, renovations of existing classrooms, and payment of the official government fees to become a recognized school.
In phase two, Olalashe would like to build teachers housing to ensure that the children will have access to the best qualified teachers that will be send by the Kenyan government.
July 2022
With 6 latrines and 30 desks already being donated by The Olalashe Foundation in 2021, we now were able to provide the school with constructions of a fully furnished teachers house, a large outdoor shaded area to protect the students from the extreme elements of Africa, renovations of existing classrooms which included new windows, concrete work and doors, gutters with a 5,000-liter collection tank, and lastly brand new books for every student PreK through grade 3.

January/February 2022
The village of Iltalala has a population of 2500 people and more than 7500 heads of livestock. The Olalashe Foundation completed the installation of a solar powered system to provide water for the entire community and their livestock. Two 5,000-liter water tanks, water troughs and community collection points have been built to ensure that everyone in the community and all animals have access to drinkable water. This was an unbelievable opportunity for The Olalashe Foundation, and our generous donors, to make a huge impact on a community in need.
In 2022, 5 female high school students were given scholarships. All costs were covered by The Olalashe Foundation for the girls to attend school for 1 year.

December 2021
December 2021 brough debilitating droughts for the Maasai land. With drought conditions escalating to heights unseen for years, many people were losing their livestock and struggling to feed their families. The Olalashe Foundation saw the need to create an emergency drought fund which will provide enough food for one week for people living in Olchoro Onyokie, Inchaishe, Kikurkur, and Italala communities.
A total of 34,160 meals were provided in this project.
August 2021
After seeing a great need for new desks and functioning latrines at the Olchoro Onyoki School and the Nasaru Academy, The Olalashe Foundation constructed 100 new desks and 6 latrines. With the addition of desks, children no longer have to sit on the floor, and classrooms are also able to follow social distancing protocols. The new latrines were far overdue. Before there was only one hole in the ground for both students and staff to share, now they have private, sanitary areas to use.

March 2021
The Emanyatta Olorikan celebration is the celebration of a lifetime in Maasailand. The Olalashe Foundation is honored to be able to donate food and water to 1,500 people who have gathered from all over the Kenya to celebrate on this once in a lifetime occasion. While the Olalashe Foundation and its supporters strive to assist the Maasai people adapt to the fast-changing ways of life, it is also important to celebrate the Maasai culture and remember the special ceremonies and celebrations that have taken place for generations.
A total of 7,560 meals were provided.
February 2021
Olchoro Onyokie Water Spring means, “red water spring”. This spring was constructed in the 1940’s. It has been working on and off by the help of well-wishers until it stopped working completely in the 90’s due to multiple breaks in the pipeline and overall poor condition of the reservoir. The Olchoro Onyokie Spring is the only spring that services a community of over 3,000 people and their thousands of heads of livestock. The Olalashe Foundation installed all new pipelines and repaired water reservoirs and troughs. Thousands of people and animals are flourishing with the repair of the Olchoro Onyokie Spring.

December 2020
In this project, The Olalashe Foundation built an extension off of the existing Naisula Primary School pipeline to service the next school in the district, The Nasaru Olasho Academy. The pipeline extension was expanded 1.8 kilometers and a 5,000-liter tank was installed at the Nasaru Olasho Academy to service even more children, teachers, and families.
August - December 2020
August 2020
August 23, 2020 Olchoro Onyokie Village (100 households)
August 28, 2020 Majimoto Village (270 households)
December 2020
December 12, 2020 Kikurrukur Village (160 households)
December 14, 2020 Iltalala Village (135 households)
December 16, 2020 Inchaishi Village (160 households)
With the global pandemic effecting communities around the world, The Olalashe Foundation was committed to help. As tourism slowed and markets began to close, many Maasai families were without income to provide food for their families. Split into 5 different distributions, The Olalashe Foundation was able to provide 825 households, or 3,300 people, food for one week. That is 46,200 meals!!

Five young children attending Naisula Academy were given 6-year scholarships. All fees and costs associated with attending the school were covered by The Olalashe Foundation.
May 2019
*This project was funded by friends and family before The Olalashe Foundation was officially recognized as a 501c3.
Before the Naisula Primary School Project began, the only viable access to water was through animal transport from the nearest springs to the school. This required at least three trips per day to satisfy the needs of over 200 students in attendance. The Olalashe Foundation identified this problem and began plans to build a pipeline from the spring in the village of Majimoto, outside of Nairobi, Kenya, over 2.5 kilometers to Naisula Primary School. With the installation of the pipeline and a 5,000-liter holding tank, the children of the school as well as the entire Majimoto Village now have constant access to clean water.